Museum opening hours

From September 2020 to April 2021
Tuesday to Friday: 10 am to 5 pm

From May to June 2021
Tuesday to Friday: 9:30 am to 5 pm

Mondays, June 7, 14, 21, 2021

School reservation

School reservation


School reservation: Virtual visits


Day camp reservation


Group reservation: adults, cégep, university


Pointe-à-Callière welcomes more than 100,000 young people a year. A stimulating school program and activities for day cares and day camps are animated by highly qualified guides who accompany the young people and their teachers and monitors in order to provide a rich experience. Everything is brought to bear on delighting, entertaining and informing the adults of tomorrow in a museum environment that is designed specifically for them.

Sending this form will allow us to contact you within 24 working hours to confirm the cost and finalize the reservation.

Question 1

You want to make a reservation for

Question 2

Please indicate the desired date for the visit

First choice

Second choice

Question 3

Would you like to reserve the lunch area?

Half-day: the cost is $1 per student

Question 4

Academic level


Question 5

Please select the desired activity

Question 6

Name of the school

Question 7

Number of chaperones

The presence of one chaperone per 20 students is mandatory

(Receive 1 free chaperone ticket for every 15 students)

Question 8

Number of students

Question 9

Visit language

Contact details of the group leader

Question 10


Question 11

First name

Question 12

Last name

Question 13

School phone number

Question 14

Cellphone number

Question 15


Question 16

School address

Question 17


Question 18

Postal Code

Question 19

Particularities, comments, questions (optional)